Other Information

At Pro Sport Grappling we aim to give all competitors and spectators the best possible experience when attending our events. Below you will find additional information on our policies.

We use Smoothcomp for all of our event registrations. Please note that you will need to set up a free Smoothcomp account to be able to enter our events. Smoothcomp use PayPay for all payments so you will also need a PayPal account to register or have access to a friend or family members account. Please note that there is no other option to enter or make payments. Create a free Smoothcomp account HERE

During the registration period you are able to make all changes to your entry directly from your Smoothcomp account. You can also cancel from this account which will trigger a voucher credit. Changes can not be made during the final week prior to the event. Please do not ask for changes to be made once registration has closed or on the day as this can not be done. We advise all competitors to regularly check their weight during the registration period and make any changes needed from your Smoothcomp account. Details on how to do this HERE

Early Bird, Standard and Late Registration
When registration is opened we have an initial period where we offer a discounted entry fee. This is to help us with the large upfront cost of running the event and in return we offer a lower rate of registration fee. Once this period is over we offer our standard registration rate. As the date of the event approaches and we are finalising the schedule and run order but registration is still open this is the Late Registration period and registration rates are higher than other times. Therefore it is always more cost effective to register as early as possible

We also give a discount if entering more than 1 division at the event. So if you enter Gi and NoGi for example you will get a discount on the second entry. This is also the case if also entering the Absolute divisions. Multiple entry discounts are available through all registration periods. Discounts are calculated and shown during checkout.

We run a Smart Registration and Smart Weigh-In system which uses your Smoothcomp ID barcode. Please have this ready on arrival at the venue. This can be found on your Smoothcomp account section. There is also a video here on how to obtain this HERE

If we are unable to find you a suitable match and you have indicated that you would like to be refunded on your entry form and not moved we will issue a 100% refund of your entry fee back to the payment account.

If you cancel of your own accord for any personal or medical reason then the following credit coupon policy will be in place. Credit coupons can be used to register for any of our future events and are valid for 1 year.

100% Credit coupon to be used for our future events if you cancel your entry from your Smoothcomp account up to 21 days prior to the event.
60% Credit coupon to be used for our future events if you cancel your entry from your Smoothcomp account up to 7 days prior to the event.

All competitors are responsible for cancelling their entry from their Smoothcomp account should they wish to do so. Please do not contact us to cancel as this will not trigger the credit voucher.
Registration is non-refundable after 7 days before the event.


Its unfortunate but if there are only 2 competitors in a division and your opponent does not show up or they fail to make weight and are disqualified we will move your registration to a future event so that your entry fee is not lost.

48 hours prior to the tournament, the event brackets and tentative schedule will be released. You will be able to locate both on the event page brackets and schedule tab. We will have a giant live schedule screen in the sports hall plus remote TV's with the same information on. You can also monitor when your matches are coming up by checking the tab on your mobile device during the competition. We will also make an announcement in the venue to report to weigh-in. If a competitor does not report for weigh-in when called they will be DQ without refund so please be at the mat on time for your matches.